Local Christian Markplace. Search our database of local Christian owned businesses.
Boco [bo-co]:{adjective} Boco is a catchprase. An acronym to be more exact. It is a philosophy and a movement. It stands for Buy Only Christian Owned, but it means many things.

Welcome to the Beta launch of iBoco.org. iBoco stands for “I Buy Only Christian Owned”. It’s an online community for the Christian community that aims to help keep local business thriving. iBoco is the satisfaction of knowing that a dollar spent is a dollar earned by someone you know. On the website, there are two distinct faces of the community we call the Local Christian Marketplace and Around Town. The Marketplace will guide you when seeking to iBoco in your daily business and consumer life. We hope you put it to good use. Remember, behind every iBoco business are the people you run into at Church, community events, school, etc. We hope you have fun navigating the Around Town side of the iBoco's site as well. Around Town was created to be the Christian communities inside joke. Sort of like our own social channel. The chatter is uniquely us, Christianese and all...
Ask not what iBoco can do for you but what you can do for iBoco.
Once upon a time there was an iBoco...
Read my iBoco.
Every time you hear a bell ring, it means that some angel's just got his iBoco.
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for iBoco.
iBoco is what most adults will do for a living in the 21st century.
Say hello to my little iBoco!
I'll be iBoco.
To be iBoco or not to iBoco...that is the question.
Give me iBoco or give me death
Submit a iBoco Catchphrase.
"iBoco" must be used in the catchphrase in order to be considered for posting.
The faces behind local business. And what handsome faces they are.
iBoco-ing is the lastest trend to hit the Christian Community since the Hallelujah dance. Once you iBoco you will never go back.
Say hello to my little iBoco! Ask not what iBoco can do for you but what you can do for iBoco. See how everyone is using iBoco...
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Restaurant, Dentist, Landscaper... Nominate your favorite!